When you’re going camping, hiking, fishing, 4WDing or any other outdoor activities that take you into the remote area or isolated island; you should make sure you’re prepared for anything. One of the ways in which you can do this is by making sure you always have a power source on hand, without having to lug around massive generators and batteries!
The Solarparts
xinpuguang flexible solar panel kits and solar panel chargers are your ideal companion and they will charge your 12V car battery, phone, camera, power bank, GPS, tablet and more! That means when you’re heading out and about on your next adventure, you’ll always be prepared.
flexible solar panel and
solar chargers are designed for tough conditions, using the latest technology to ensure you have high performance and durability. They’re super efficiency, compact and lightweight, which means they won’t break your back if you’re leaving your car behind and heading into rugged terrain, where you’d prefer to keep contact with loved ones open. In fact, they take up just 20% of the standard weight of a 150W folding panel.
They are available in
160W and 200W and 250W models and utilise the monocrystalline solar cell. By far one of our favourite features of the Solarparts’ solar charger is that auto restart
technology. This means the controller knows the difference between charging states, and will automatically detect if the battery is fully charged – or if it needs to reconnect. So when night hits and the charging automatically stops, or if rain clouds get in the way, as soon as the system is exposed to the sun again – it will start charging.
The Solarparts flexible solar panel also uses textured ETFE material, a protective surface that goes over the top of the solar cell so that it lasts longer more than 25 years and isn’t as exposed to the elements. It is water proof, highly transparent at 97%, has chemical resistance and a high melting temperature. It’s also extremely UV resistant.
The solar chargers have the following features:
20.5% highly efficient monocrystalline solar cells
Compact and lightweight –
160W 3.5kg, 200W 4.7kg, 250W 5.8kg
Durable: 2 years warranty, 25 years lifetime
Along with:
12V/24v 20A solar charger controller Battery clips
There are single flexible solar panel
100W 160W 200W 270W which can be installed on the car roof directly to charge your 12V car battery or battery pack.
You can install the flexible solar panel on your caravan roof or take one folding solar panel charger in your car boot and spread the folding solar panel charger on your windscreen or on ground to charge your devices.